Saturday, February 18, 2012

SM Baguio "To Uproot 97 pine and 43 Anus trees

(my own personal opinion) 
The protest being conducted by some civil society groups in Baguio against the plan of SM Baguio to expand its parking space is not actually addressing what this civil societies claim of  saving Baguio from losing its trees but rather grand standing and riding the issue to be recognized as environmentalist (or may be) to earn money or popularity. I respect their concern, but isn’t what I see as the true purpose of this protest. What I see is that they are against development and that they are naïve with the true problem of the city. They must have laid options to curve the ballooning problem of lack of parking space in the city. Some politicians are jumping in and riding with this issue to grandstand. I can not stop smiling when I saw some of the people I personally know joining in the protest when actually even they are going to the mall, and they are complaining when they can not fine place to park their car when they go to the CBD. Please read more at

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