Saturday, February 18, 2012

SM Baguio "To Uproot 97 pine and 43 Anus trees

(my own personal opinion) 
The protest being conducted by some civil society groups in Baguio against the plan of SM Baguio to expand its parking space is not actually addressing what this civil societies claim of  saving Baguio from losing its trees but rather grand standing and riding the issue to be recognized as environmentalist (or may be) to earn money or popularity. I respect their concern, but isn’t what I see as the true purpose of this protest. What I see is that they are against development and that they are naïve with the true problem of the city. They must have laid options to curve the ballooning problem of lack of parking space in the city. Some politicians are jumping in and riding with this issue to grandstand. I can not stop smiling when I saw some of the people I personally know joining in the protest when actually even they are going to the mall, and they are complaining when they can not fine place to park their car when they go to the CBD. Please read more at

Gayang Sabangan Mountain Province

          Gayang is the third barangay of Sabangan that lays on the foot of mount kalawitan and beside the chico river. The other barangays are Napua and Poblacion Sabangan. It is surrounded by lush rice fields and vegetable farms. The name Gayang is derived from the local "kankana-ey" dialect  "gayang" to throw or pitch. In Ilocano term, "gayang" is spear. 
       The main product of this agriculture rich barangay are rice, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cabbages, carrots, green paper, peanut and etc. Rice from this barangay are purely organic and are good in making rice wine or "tapey". Rice paddies in this village are older than the village it self. 
       Story has it that Gayang was a hunting and fishing ground for people from Pingad. Then when they learn that the soil in this area was good for planting because it is fertile and with abundant water supply, the villagers started to build rice paddies. There were no houses but only  small rice granaries are built to store harvest, but soon villagers recognizes the possibility of staying and living where their farms are, then the community starts. There are three smaller villages of this barangay namely "Ladeg, Datacan, and Gayang".  
       This barangay which is adjacent to barangay Camatagan and barangy Bun-ayan is where almost all of the rice farm of villagers from the said barangays are found. Due to its proximity with the chico river, organic rice or the native rice planted in the rice paddies are lush and green. Old cultures and tradition in this village have the same fate with other communities in the cordilleras which slowly disappearing. Pagan practices are slowly vanishing and being replaced by Christianity. 
       Old nipa huts are replaced with modern houses. "Inatep" the local term for nipa hut are the old abode for villagers. This house is mostly  made of hard wood pine tree "Batang", stick "Pa-o", nipa "ko-gon", bambo "kawayan" and ratan "uwey" gathered from the forest of "mount kalawitan".
      Politically, barangay Gayang is the favored place of all local politician to campaign because villagers usually have a community caucus to choice the political candidate they will support or vote. Once a politician gain the trust and confidence of the villagers, sure enough that large vote will go to him.
        In health and sanitation, The Barangay received an infrastructure project for the construction of water tank and laying of pipeline from safe clean water source towards the community from the Department of Public Works and Highways. The recipient of this project were the barangay of Camatagn and Gayang. Subsequently, upon completion of the water works Gayang was acclaimed as the barangay with 100% sanitary compliance in 1996 due to the construction of waters sealed sanitary toilets in every households. With the help of the Department of Health, the barangay was the recipient of the program. The Gayang Women Association Inc.(GAWAIN) under the leadership of Mrs. Bannawe is the main organization that worked hard to facilitate the approval of the project. In cooperation with the barangy officials under the leadership of Barangay Captain Passol and the adviser of the organization was Mrs. Carmen Lardizabal, the barangay persevered and finished the project. Barangay community health station was constructed likewise. 
         Farm to market roads were constructed to facilitate the transportation of farm product. An storage facility for farm products was constructed in sitio Ladeg. Safe path ways were constructed with steel railings to make the path ways from the farms and rice paddies safe.
            A Roman Catholic church was constructed in the barangay in cooperation and support, donations   from all the parishioners, NGO's, GO's and other people elsewhere. Catholics of all walks of lives contributed in every way to finish the church. 
             The barangay has an elementary school to cater for children's education. Before, when there were no school in the barangay, children has to walk up the mountain "mout tiguing" to go to school at Pingad Elementary school in Camatagan barangay. At first when the school started there were only to teachers who are teaching, one teacher for grades 1 and 2, and the other for grades 3 and 4. Children who are grades 5 and 6 has to walk to go to school. Now there are 3 teachers who teaches in the school.